31. 01. 2023

Declaration of the taxpayer liable to personal income tax from dependent activity, and an application for annual tax settlement

Dear readers, the date 15 February 2023 is near, i.e. the deadline within which you should sign an individual income tax payer’s declaration (the “Declaration of the taxpayer liable to personal income tax from dependent activity”) for 2023, and an application for annual settlement of tax advances and tax advantages, where applicable, if you want your employer to carry out such settlement for 2022.

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30. 01. 2023

Intrastat: New 2023 Guideline

Dear readers, The Czech Statistical Office published a new Intrastat reporting guideline applicable in 2023.

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30. 01. 2023

Repair or Acquisition of New Tangible Assets?

Dear readers, This article is intended to inform you about a Czech decision of the Supreme Administrative Court[1], which was to determine whether expenses spent on construction work constituted a repair (one-off cost), or whether they were spent to acquire new tangible assets (costs in the form of depreciation charges).

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17. 01. 2023

Do You Apply Correct VAT on Supplies of Goods Outside the EU?

Dear readers, today’s article brings information about and practical examples of applying VAT in the Czech Republic on goods supplied from a non-EU country (the “import”) and to non-EU countries (the “export”).

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